Mohawk Hitchhiker


Hi there people. Welcome to our website. We play music. This is where you can learn about us.

Pearson Constantino is the guitar player but he also plays with his laptop and drums (before mark joined) he also writes a lot of the music.

Mark Dodge is the drummer. He is incredible. And is Pearson's favorite drummer.

Michael Doctor plays the trumpet/electric trumpet and creates live samples, he too is incredible and does things with his horn that is unique and awe inspiring. He and Pearson formed MH back in 2004 when they began recording Nine Songs click here : Mohawk Hitchhiker..

Kevin Denton is the additional guitar player, who also plays keyboard and does llive sampling, and is another one of Pearson's favorites.


Upcoming Live performances :


Our Pals bands and bands we're in :

Mark Leslie Pintchik Mark's Myspace

Kevin The Sutras Country Death Songs The Crooners Denton's Myspace

Pearson Plushgun Jeremiah Vancans A documentary film about Pearson's biking Pearson's Myspace Thomas Eaton Julia Wrona "If you like Tight, Wear leather." The Lo5 David Traver

Doctor Academia DI Vino - MD is the Someilier


Contact us :


Pearson MDoc Mark booking